[Wikireader] Because I'm to impatient to wait to see SJ at home...

Daniel Clark dclark at pobox.com
Sun Jul 13 00:01:44 EDT 2008

Below is a dump of an early version of some doc regarding creating and
editing local copies of a mediawiki (specifically the one we use at
the FSF for Sys Admin doc); I thought it might be interesting to some
people on the list, and also I'm wondering if I've missed anything. I
didn't try OLPC WikiBrowse, as it looks very XO-specific, at least in
terms of doc (which mentions Sugar as a dependency).

It's interesting to see the IBM project, given that IBM Lotus Notes
has had this kind of thing as its killer feature for many years; in
fact the reason I'm so interested in getting this set up is because I
remember how useful it was to have a local copy of critical Sys Admin
doc when I was with IBM Lotus software. Are the extreme blue students
working on that project in the Westford (or is it Littleton now?) or
Cambridge offices (where Notes is developed)?

Weird how this list/topic is combining 3 out of 3 jobs I've had since
high school...

Danny Clark # Sys Admin, Free Software Foundation
# http://www.fsf.org # http://opensysadmin.com

= mvs - A command line Mediawiki client =
It would be really nice if this supported some form of recursion...
All these tools are way to "you are only going to use this with
wikipedia, so we can't possibly provide features that would be useful
for smaller wikis" oriented...

== Basic Use ==
  aptitude install libwww-mediawiki-client-perl

'''Initial Setup:'''
  mvs login -d cluestick.office.fsf.org -u USERNAME -p 'PASSWORD' -w

Where USERNAME is your username (note that mediawiki autocapitalizes
this, so for example this would be Dclark, not dclark) and PASSWORD is
your mediawiki password (note that this is a very insecure way to pass
a password to a program, and should only be used on systems where you
are the only used or you trust all other users).

'''Example Checkout:'''
  mvs update User:Dclark.wiki

== See Also ==
* [http://wikitravel.org/en/User:Mark/WWW-Mediawiki-Client
User:Mark/WWW-Mediawiki-Client] - mvs author's page on mvs
* [http://search.cpan.org/~markj/WWW-Mediawiki-Client/bin/mvs CPAN >
Mark Jaroski >  WWW-Mediawiki-Client >  mvs]
* [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSolaris/Reference_Manual#wiki_page_batch_update_by_mvs_perl_module
wiki page batch update by mvs perl module] - has useful looking mvs

= Flat Mirror of Entire Wiki =

== Google Gears ==
If you have [http://gears.google.com Google Gears] installed, you will
see a "gears localserver" box on the lower left-hand side of the
cluestock mediawiki screen, under the "navigation", "search", and
"toolbox" boxes. This is done with the
[http://wiki.yobi.be/wiki/Mediawiki_LocalServer Mediawiki LocalServer:
Offline with Google Gears] extention. The
original version] provides slightly more clear install doc. In
general, put the .js files with the other .js files, in the common
skins directory.

After creating the local store and waiting for it to finish
downloading, you will be able to go offline and browse the wiki -
however search and "Special:" pages will not work in Google Gears
offline mode, and you will not be able to edit pages in offline mode.

== Local Django-based server ==
The directions at
Building a (fast) Wikipedia offline reader] produce an environment
that takes more time to set up than Google Gears, but is arguably a
bit nicer (including local search of page titles - and shouldn't be
that hard to extend that to full text).

# THESE ARE NOT STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS... interpretation is required.
sudo aptitude install apt-xapian-index xapian-tools libxapian-dev php5-cli
wget http://users.softlab.ece.ntua.gr/~ttsiod/mediawiki_sa.tar.bz2
wget http://users.softlab.ece.ntua.gr/~ttsiod/offline.wikipedia.tar.bz2
populate wiki-splits with raw .xml.bz2 dump
mv mediawiki_sa offline.wikipedia
Edit Makefile to have line "XMLBZ2 = cluestick-articles.xml.bz2"
Edit mywiki/gui/view.py 4th line to: return article(request, "Main Page")
make wikipedia
# (Then follow directions it spews)

TODO: Set up cron job to produce rsync-able cluestick-articles.xml.bz2
on a regular basis. Package this up.

== Tried / Don't work or no doc ==
Some useful doc on how to make perl and python modules into debian
packages however...

=== libmediawiki-spider-perl ===
CPAN > Emma Tonkin >  Mediawiki-Spider-0.31 >  Mediawiki::Spider]
sudo aptitude install dh-make-perl fakeroot dpkg-dev build-essential
sudo aptitude install libwww-perl libhtml-tree-perl libhtml-tree-perl
sudo apt-file update

wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/C/CS/CSELT/HTML-Extract-0.25.tar.gz
tar -pzxvf HTML-Extract-0.25.tar.gz
dh-make-perl HTML-Extract-0.25
cd HTML-Extract-0.25
fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i libhtml-extract-perl_0.25-1_all.deb

wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/C/CS/CSELT/Mediawiki-Spider-0.31.tar.gz
tar -pzxvf Mediawiki-Spider-0.31.tar.gz
dh-make-perl Mediawiki-Spider-0.31
cd Mediawiki-Spider-0.31
fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i libmediawiki-spider-perl_0.31-1_all.deb

It's unclear what to do after this. Emailed author. Should bug ward
when gets back.

=== fuse-mediawiki ===
Mediawiki FUSE filesystem: git clone git://repo.or.cz/fuse-mediawiki.git
sudo aptitude install git-core gvfs-fuse fuse-utils fuse-module python-fuse
git clone git://repo.or.cz/fuse-mediawiki.git
cd fuse-mediawiki.git
mkdir cluestick-fuse
python fuse-mediawiki.py -u Dclark
http://cluestick.office.fsf.org/index.php cluestick-fuse

This works, but brings up a nonsense file system that you can't cd
into beyond one level or ls in. It seems to be under active
development, so probably good to check back in a few months.

=== wikipediafs ===
[http://wikipediafs.sourceforge.net/ WikipediaFS] - View and edit
Wikipedia articles as if they were real files
sudo aptitude install gvfs-fuse fuse-utils fuse-module python-fuse
sudo easy_install stdeb
wget http://internap.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/wikipediafs/
tar xvfz wikipediafs-0.3.tar.gz
cd wikipediafs-0.3
vi setup.py # Edit so version is correct
cd deb_dist/wikipediafs-0.3/
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us
sudo dpkg -i ../python-wikipediafs_0.3-1_all.deb
man mount.wikipediafs

This is sort of useless for the purpose of this section, as it
requires the user to get a specific set of pages before going offline.
Didn't spend enough time with it to see if it worked as advertised.

=== wikipediaDumpReader ===
Wikipedia Dump Reader] - KDE App - Reads output of dumpBackup.php
cd /usr/share/mediawiki/maintenance
php dumpBackup.php --current | bzip2 > cluestick-articles.xml.bz2

Too wikipedia-specific. Didn't work with cluestick dump at all.

=== kiwix ===
<nowiki>#kiwix</nowiki> on freenode / svn co
https://kiwix.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kiwix kiwix
* No documentation or response from IRC channel. No doc in svn.

== See Also ==
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_editor_support#Command_line_tools
Wikipedia Command_line_tools page]
* The [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/wikireader/ Wikireader
Archives] - Mailing list for discussing wiki readers.
* [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/WikiBrowse WikiBrowse]: a self-contained
wiki server
* [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Wikislices Wikislices]: collections of
articles pulled from a MediaWiki for WikiBrowse

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