Testing summary: 23 July 2011 - Auckland, NZ<br>Who: Fabiana, Nevyn, Oliver, Tabitha, Tom<br><br>os874 on XO-1 and XO-1.5 with schoolserver on private wifi network with no internet access.<br><br>Registering with the schoolserver didn't work first time for some of our laptops. Trying again succeeded. I see timeout errors in the shell.log on ivy (attached).<br>
<br>Tested collaboration in Write. All contributors writing is appearing in the same colour. Could add image from record but you have to get the image from the table menu which is weird. <br><br>Other laptops in the neighbourhood are named with what looks like some kind of UUID@schoolserver. This doesn't seem to be deterministic, on anna, every other laptop has ids of this form, on ivy all other laptops except tux have a name of this form (tux is named tux as expected). See <a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/PCMZOMXSeFEtQ4JJVZFFlw?feat=directlink" target="_blank">https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/PCMZOMXSeFEtQ4JJVZFFlw?feat=directlink</a><br>
<br>On moodle, we see all the other laptops have the uuid name, except anna which has a normal name. However anna shows up twice in the neighbourhood. Anna and moodle and a bunch of other laptops are in a chat which is working properly.<br>
<br>Names appear correctly inside chat.<br><br>Maze doesn't seem to share, we get many crashes and strangeness -- usually maze would start and then shortly afterwards freeze up and disappear. See attached for logs. Maze works without sharing using the three options (gaming keys each side of screen and the arrow keys on keyboard).<br>
<br>Fabiana finally beat implode on hard level and declares that this activity must have been fixed. ;-p<br><br>Memorize 3 players success with all preloaded games and one user generated word game. <br><br>Speak worked, robot did respond to the questions we asked. <br>
<br>Shared record; pictures do appear on other XOs sharing the activity.<br><br>Measure worked. <br><br>Sending files between XOs worked, but the file send and receive icons never disappeared from the frame.<br><br>While we didn't encounter any problems collaborating (except for the
maze and neighbourhood problems), we did see a lot of errors in
shell.log and chat.log, see attached. <br><br><a href="http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/2793">http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/2793</a> is fixed in Read 90, to the point you can't use the arrow keys while changing the activity name (they move the document in the main window, not the cursor in the name box).<br>
<br>We went to Tangleball (a local makerspace) after testing and showed off the XOs at their open day. One person suggested physics should have controllable gravity. This is in a similar vein to suggestions for specifying different density of objects to explore small and heavy compared with big and light.<br>
<br>Thanks testers<br>Tabitha<br>