Hello<br><br>Although we didn't have testing in Auckland due to attending Barcamp, we did play a bit with dsd's 873 build, 0.92.2 Q3B07 on XO-1.5<br><br>Took a photo with Record, named it, and then imported it into Paint, tested a few features of Paint - <br>
<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Ca3W1m2FrNZdQCuCI0vKwg?feat=directlink">https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Ca3W1m2FrNZdQCuCI0vKwg?feat=directlink</a><br><br>There is a link at the top of the pages in wikipedia that requires internet to view, would there be a way to tell someone that they need internet access to follow that link successfully?<br>
<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/BeTpQXvSZXcTJwvBCDzSgA?feat=directlink">https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/BeTpQXvSZXcTJwvBCDzSgA?feat=directlink</a><br>There is Wikipedia and WikipediaEN, should Wikipedia actually be called WikipediaES?<br>
<br>Quick play with the following and found okay:<br>Maze<br>Memorize<br>Measure<br>Physics<br>Ruler<br>Clock (it talked! yay!)<br>TamTamMini<br>Implode<br><br>Sorry we couldn't test more thoroughly. We did have a lot of interest in the XOs and were surprised how many people there are out there who have still not seen the XO in real life, though everyone had heard of "one hundred dollar laptop per child" as it was almost always referred to as.<br>
<br>Kind regards<br>Tabitha<br>