Hi Everyone<br>Thanks for all your helpful comments with infoslicer8. I now have it working. <br>I deleted EVERYTHING in the Journal and it worked. But what this tells me is that a student can only create one book and then share it with their friends. Next question - if my friend has their own book does that mean they cant see my book?<br>
More testing for me to do. <br>After it opened from Journal in browse, I returned to browse and find a growing number of Journal entries. I have "infoslicer activity" with the infoslicer logo, "infoslicer activity" with a black and white logo (looks like page with turned corner and four zigzag dots on it), and "infoslicer activity" with browse logo, and "animal kingdom" with browse logo (that is a page in the book but I made and viewed two pages so wonder why I get one new browse item in journal not two or none). <br>
The extra browse item in the journal was interesting so here is a photo. <br><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/RWnCMRbDzhk1w6w0WQnxc36lPQAeBI3ajrw5oUPpDbA?feat=directlink">http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/RWnCMRbDzhk1w6w0WQnxc36lPQAeBI3ajrw5oUPpDbA?feat=directlink</a><br>
If you open browse and go to books you do see "infoslicer activity" in with the other books. <br>Thanks<br>Tabitha<br>