WLG test group summary<br><br>Attendees: Edward, Carl, Alastair, Aaron, Uli, Tabs<br><br>Testing: Analyse, Speak, Browse and Read<br><br>Todays Goals: <br>familiarise newbies to our group for quality testing in the future :-)<br clear="all">
try to test bookreader as per the developer request - got confused as to what this was - can display books but cant see how this is XO activity yet? - more info please to help us test this<br>make adjustments to the OLPC test results spreadsheet that is shared here - <a href="http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pw29kBR10gwSAHxMTv6VfEA&hl=en">http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pw29kBR10gwSAHxMTv6VfEA&hl=en</a> - so keen to hear if this is better for others or just us ;-)<br>
<br>Trying to work out how to email this through to the developer of each activity - where do we get their emails please?<br><br>Further comments are likely to be added to the spreadsheet during the week, so keep giving feedback on what other details are required in there. <br>
<br>Have a good week everyone. <br><br>Kind regards<br>Tabitha Roder<br><br>(64)21482229<br><br>Support OLPC G1G1 - <a href="http://amazon.com/xo">amazon.com/xo</a><br>