[Testing] ANNOUNCEMENT XSCE 0.3 Final Release

George Hunt georgejhunt at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 20:07:23 EDT 2013

After three months of hard work.... and three weeks of working out the
kinks in the release process, XSCE 0.3 is ready for its final release.

We went conservative this release. Emphasis on stability meant less time
for new features.

* XSCE now runs on the XO-1.5,XO-1.75 and  XO-4.

* Modular Architecture: cleanly integrate extendable services.

* XSCE runs on the XOs' current OS 13.1.0 (we discovered some wrinkles with
13.2.0 which push its use off to the next release)

* Moodle is Back!

* Content filtering via openDNS.com

* Script for formatting of SD cards, and integration into system for
content storage and memory extending swap file (does not work on XO4's)

Grab an XO-1.5, XO-1.75 or a XO-4 to give XSCE 0.3 give a whirl:


If you are just getting started with XSCE we suggest using the instruction
at http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Holt/XS_Community_Edition/0.3/Installingto
install your first server.

Once you are through the install, a good second step is to work your new
server though it’s paces by doing the smoke test at

Monster thanks to everyone who spent months of springtime work -- traveling
days from quite different parts of North America to make this community
product real.

George Hunt

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