[Testing] [Design] Re: Testing Summary - 13 August 2011, Auckland NZ

Gary Martin garycmartin at googlemail.com
Sun Sep 25 17:42:26 EDT 2011

Hi Tabitha,

Thanks for the feedback! Though I must admit it's rather depressing reading – good feedback is often depressing ;) The Design Team has literally been working on Memorize off and on now for months, trying to polish the new toolbar support, and improve usability. It's been a really tough nut to crack.

On 25 Sep 2011, at 08:03, Tabitha Roder wrote:

> Memorize 38
> - sometimes incredibly slow (several seconds to respond to mouse
> clicks), other times normal

Any hints as to where you see it slow down, or is it seemingly at random even when clicking the same widget? Were you switching away (e.g. using alt+tab, or using the Frame) from Memorize, or stopping the activity at the time?

> - doesn't seem possible to save games that you create

Memorize now auto saves the game state into its Journal entry. There is no need to explicitly save and load separate game data manually. If you want, the journal entry can be re-name via the usual activity toolbar, or from inside the Journal.

> - not clear how to create a new game -- it appears that you are deleting
> the preloaded games but actually you're not

To start a new game (or any new Activity instance), right click, or hover over the Memorize icon on the Home view and select 'Start new' from the pop-up palette (a keyboard shortcut is also available in the Home view, just hold the ALT key and left click an activity icon to automatically 'Start new').

New Memorize games start with a 'Addition' demo game by default. If you want to create your own tile set (or modify an existing game tile set), click the 'Edit game' cog button. If you want to clear all the current game tiles click the 'Clear current game' button (white rectangle with a cross on it).

Once you have edited the game tiles, click back on the 'Play game' button to play them. Your modifications will be saved to the Journal entry.

> - new icons have confusing hover names

Which names did you find confusing? We have:

- 'Play game'
- 'Edit game'
- '(4 x 4)', '(5 x 5)', '(6 x 6)' combo button
- 'Load demo games' palette
- 'Restart game'
- 'Set equal pairs', toggles to 'Set non equal pairs'
- 'Set ungrouped pairs', toggles to 'Set ungrouped pairs'
- 'Clear current game'
- 'Stop'

> - no sound on sound games

Yes same here on the XO-1.75, lots of sound issues just now.

> - what is a grouped game? we think we know what a set equal pairs is

OK so, equal pairs means you enter one tile, and the game will place two copies of it on a game board for you to find; non-equal pairs is so that you can have different question and answer tiles (picture of a donkey vs. spelling the word 'donkey'). A grouped game is where the question tiles are grouped together, and answer tiles are grouped together, during a game you'll see the backs of half the tiles marked in grey with '1' and the other half with '2'. An ungrouped game is quite a bit harder as all the question and answer tiles are mixed together.

> - got a "keep error" when pressing stop, and further errors when pressing stop anyway, see attached log

Thanks for the log, will try and take a quick look (FWIW I've not seen a 'keep error' here).

> - No longer a way of creating a new game and naming it for later use. The edited game gets saved in the journal but we could only find the latest version

See above. It's worth noting here that we are finally moving away from the Activity 'Keep' debacle – if you would like to modify an existing Journal entry while preserving the original, use the new Journal 'Duplicate' feature. The 'Duplicate' option is available in the palette for an entry, and in the Details view toolbar.

> - After editing a game, the horizontal edges of the tiles disappear. Appears to only happen with the 4x4 tiling

I think it is only when a secondary toolbar or notification is being displayed, so the canvas has less vertical height? It slightly clips the top tile edge with any of the x4, x5, x6 level games if a secondary toolbar is open. Could you confirm incase I'm missing another clipping case?

Thanks again for all the feedback!


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