[Testing] Call for help for testing specific items

forster at ozonline.com.au forster at ozonline.com.au
Mon Jun 27 19:40:34 EDT 2011

> > 10966 Calculate named OK en
> Need more details on how you tested this, since it only was named
> badly in certain places. I added test details to the ticket.

Checked directory, float text and close dialog

> > 10853 Clock Ok
> Need a bit more than an "OK" here to know exactly what you tested. The
> ticket mentions that testing in multiple languages is needed. Even if
> you didn't have time to run the full test as requested, your "OK" is
> still useful (thanks!) but we would benefit from knowing exactly what
> is being OK'd :)

Only tested English, tested all clock types

> > 3703 Text toolbar OK

> Not sure which ticket you are referring to here,
> http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/3703 is not on the list.

oops 3703 -> 3707

> > 10956 renamed a few sessions OK
> Need a few more details on your test here - where did you do the
> renaming? Activity or journal? Did you check the specific case
> mentioned on the ticket?

tested both journal and activity. If this is the bug I have seen before (in Activity) its quite intermittent and would take a lot of testing to confirm


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