[Testing] [support-gang] 12-Year-Old XOs (even 18-yesr-olds)

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 30 17:09:11 EDT 2011

Tabitha was right!  There is something funny happening with the date/time settings on the 10 XO-1s I am transferring to another project.
Last night I reflashed all 10 of the machines to 11.2.0 (os874).  This morning I met with the two teachers, who will be using the machines most, to orient them on the ins and outs of the XO and Sugar.  We used 3 of the machines for the workshop.  While working we found funny dates coming up so, following Tabitha's advice, I showed them how to go to Terminal and ask for the date.
Two of us had dates in 1999.  The other one was in 2028!  These machines are XO-1s from a CP project that was stalled.  They appear to be in new, or near-new, condition so I doubt they have a problem with the clock battery. (They boot just fine).
So, how do we reset to the current time?  In the "Fix Clock" section of the wiki there are instructions for resetting the date and time if you can "Boot Into Linux."  Since Sugar can boot just fine, can we just go into Terminal and put in the same command?
Will the change persist through future boots and software updates?  If the fix is something else... what is it?
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 19:30:48 +1200
From: tabitha at tabitha.net.nz
To: support-gang at lists.laptop.org
CC: iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org; testing at lists.laptop.org
Subject: Re: [Testing] [support-gang] 12-Year-Old XOs (even 18-yesr-olds)

On 29 August 2011 16:16, Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho at hotmail.com> wrote:

Later, when I looked at the Journal entries on some of the machines, I found they were incredibly old.... like 12 years! (Image3). There was one that said "18 years ago" also, but I seem to have misplaced the image.

Did you check what year the laptop thought it was? 
If prior to you making any changes the laptop time was set to very far in the past, and then while doing the updating the time got reset to the current time, or anytime 12 years later than when the journal entries were created, then you could get that time showing in the journal. 

To check the current time set on the laptop, open terminal and type date and press enter. 

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