[Testing] Testing Summary: 20 August 2011 - Auckland, New Zealand

Tabitha Roder tabitha at tabitha.net.nz
Sat Aug 27 04:02:06 EDT 2011

Testing Summary: 20 August 2011 - Auckland, New Zealand
Sorry this is a week late!

Testing on Ivy XO-1.5 running build 874 Sugar 0.92.2 Firmware Q3B13

Portfolio activity - you have to star the images in the journal before
opening the activity, if you star after opening activity it seems you have
to restart the activity. There is a playback speed drop down - could this be
a text field so you can have other time options?

Playgo - works but the start new option was greyed out when we had been
playing collaboratively with two XOs and let them go to sleep.

Words - still have the issue of it giving false translations if you start
typing and it guesses the word you want. Would possibly be resolved if there
was a requirement to press enter or a button before it gave you the
translation rather than it creating a translation as you type.

Soma - not sure what it is about, could add and remove blocks but not sure
what we supposed to do, read the notes but still didn't get it

SimCom - three of us couldn't work out how to use this

Pursuit - made pretty patterns, established that the turtle follows another
turtle based on colours you choose, not sure if we are supposed to do more
than that, often ended up with all the turtles going around in a circle
following each other

Scratch - getting our heads around the controls and options so we can have
workshops on it during Software Freedom Day week.

Kind regards
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