[Testing] [OLPC New Zealand] New prototype XO-1.75s in Auckland, New Zealand

Tom Parker tom at carrott.org
Fri Aug 26 20:46:02 EDT 2011

On Sat, 2011-08-27 at 12:12 +1200, Tom Parker wrote:

> Is there anything you want me to
> record (model number? from where?). One has a blue circuit board and the
> other a green one, I'll post photos shortly.

Updated http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/11171 the new touch pad has a blue
circuit board:

I'll wait for further instructions before re-assembling these laptops.
If the only solution is to replace the touchpad, I'll attempt to swap
the touch pad itself so we have a working clicky keyboard base (this is
our first clicky keyboard). Is this even possible?

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