[Testing] A small deployment of 11.2.0

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 24 00:34:33 EDT 2011

Hi Folks!

You asked anyone who plans to deploy 11.2.0 to let you know so you can keep them informed of fixes for remaining issues. That's me. I will be collecting 10 XO-1s from a stalled Contributors Program project at Montana State University and re-deploying them to a school in rural Montana.  I plan to reflash all of them with 11.2.0 this week before delivering them next week.

I will be meeting with 2 of the involved teachers next week to get them oriented on the machines.  Among other things, I plan to show them how to update the software as new releases come out.  When I am away in California for the winter, I will be able to assist them via Skype as needed.

We have discussed collaboration and they would like to use it, but we can wait for that until it is more reliable. Any news on updates with fixes will be greatly appreciated.

I have one unrelated question for you folks. I notice Labyrinth is included on the software for the XO-1.5 but not on the XO-1.  Is this a space issue?  Will there be a problem if I add it?  When we were visiting schools in Uruguay we saw a lot of good  of examples of ways to use Labyrinth.  When I asked one seven-year-old what his favorite program was I was very surprised when he answered "Labyrintino!" It's a real winner!

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