[Testing] [OLPC-AU] Free From Malaria release 4

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Wed Aug 3 23:29:15 EDT 2011

On Wed, Aug 03, 2011 at 07:00:54PM +0100, World Class Project- Dev Team wrote:
> Thank you guys for helping me work this one out. Since I have an
> ubuntu emulator, the older XO1 and latest XO1.5 I was unable to see
> what the problem was.

You can simulate the problem by removing the python-glade2 package from
Ubuntu, or by removing the pygtk2-libglade package from OLPC OS on XO.

> Could you please help me figure out a solution?
> 1) Do I package libglade with my activity somehow?


It is better for an activity to work without requiring additional
packages to be installed.  Especially it is best if it does not require
packages beyond the Sugar platform components [1].  Although Glade is a
part of Gtk+, Sugar does not mention it explicitly, and OLPC OS
developers had decided not to include things unless Sugar mentions them

Deployments making their own builds can add the pygtk2-libglade package,
see [2] for the list of packages that are included by the OLPC OS
builder above and beyond what the Sugar package states as dependencies.

1.  http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.88/Platform_Components


> I'm new to python, sugar etc. so please could you perhaps show me a
> dummies guide to doing this.

I've no idea, sorry.  You might ask on sugar-devel@ mailing list?

> 2) Do I have to use an alternative to libglade?  If so what will it
> be?

Other activities avoid Glade by creating the widget hierarchy manually
in Python code.

Glade once provided a way to generate C code for creating the widget
hierarchy, but that feature does not seem to be present in the Glade
version I tested just now.

> 3) Please can someone help me test this? I have the project hosted on
> sourceforge I can drop a build there. Otherwise I have no way of
> testing if the potential fix works since on my XOs this works fine.

You might upgrade your XOs, and keep multiple XO builds available for
testing with.  I can help you with that process.

James Cameron

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