[Testing] Testing Summary: Auckland NZ - 16 October 2010

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Fri Oct 22 13:03:34 EDT 2010

On 10/16/2010 09:32 AM, Tabitha Roder wrote:
> Testing Summary: Auckland NZ - 16 October 2010
> Who: Robin, Fabiana, Tracey, 4 year old, 7 year old, Tabitha, Tom
> Testing Sugar 0.90 on XO-1.0 build 18 customised
> XO-1.0 driven by 4 year old

I Tabitha, first of all thanks very much for testing.

I would not do testing with the target audience using the 0.90 builds - 
those are early builds that we need feedback on core blockers like 
collaboration new features etc.

I am not so worried about activities for now, as those are likely to hit 
issues with the Python switch to 2.7.

The inviting issues are good ones - seen it as well these days when 
working on [1] and checking if it was broken in 0.90 too. So the issue 
in 0.90 is due to the restructuring of the collaboraton code base I am sure.

The small Write font has been fixed by Aleksey and will be in a next 
build [2].

New 0.84 builds (10.1.3) can be found at [3]. There will be a proper 
announcement later.


[1] http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/10400
[3] http://build.laptop.org/10.1.3/

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