[Testing] Testing summary - 27 November 2010; Auckland New Zealand

Tabitha Roder tabitha at tabitha.net.nz
Sun Nov 28 02:38:57 EST 2010

Testing summary - 27 November 2010; Auckland New Zealand
Who: Fabiana, Leslie, Nevyn, Robin, Tabitha, Tom

Words activity
typed in english  "car" - portugese word "car_ncia" where the blank is a
square with an X in it
typed in english "school" - portugese gives "decima nona letra do alfabeto"
with accent on e in decima
knife - lingueta, aba, (label) etiquea
if these are error messages they should be in english
********Not sure whether portuguese has accents in both directions, but the
difference here might be related to that. These do not appear to me to be
error messages, but not sure what words is trying to do here

seemed to work well

Reproduced and reported segfault while making squiggles. See #2512

Tamtam mini
tested all sounds and rhythms, can change speed and pattern, can play sounds
using keyboard, can display sets of sounds or all sounds, can change volume
(but gets tinny on the XO speakers), can rotate (but hard to use touchpad on
angle), can using left arrow game keys to choose instrument, right game keys
seem to move up and down the screen

Tamtam jam
could add parts and rhythms, could move around on the screen. tried out
playback - changed beat to 12 but now cant change back.
tried desktops preset tunes, they all worked

Implode - pass

Labyrinth - pass
saved as png - opened in image viewer successfully from journal
saved as pdf - opened in read successfully from journal

Write - pass
tested collaboration on adhoc-1
when trying to swap out a word in a sentence written by the other XO, if you
highlight and type over, the first letter is in the other persons colour,
but if you delete the word and write fresh you get your own colour
could add tables (and alter them) and pictures successfully
formatting works - B, I, U, font, size, bullets and lists, heading styles,

Paint - pass

Memorize - pass,
tested collaboration on adhoc-1

visual match
icons for choosing new patterns only gives numbers
can get words but no patterns

3Xos chatted successfully, one gave a URL which when clicked goes to the
detail view (like when you use the arrow from the journal and can see
description and tags and preview) and if press play it opens browse

Typing turtle - pass

Record - pass
would be good if you could set microphone level in record.

Could add credits and debits giving names, amounts and categories. When you
set a budget it doesnt seem to be possible to set a year budget (says it is
for month). Made beautiful chart and tracked budget.
It would be good if you could add recurring income once, not have to keep
adding your salary each month.

Speak - pass
still says cant speak default lets speak english instead
robot - when asked "how old are you" it replies "they didnt tell me their
age", when asked "how old is alice" it replies "born in the twentieth
century" or it makes some number range up, robot has forgotten her name is
tested voice chat - found you have to type and then it speaks it on the two
XOs, worked well with very little delay between the two XOs

Turtle blocks - pass (though we did a quicker test due to end of day)

Scratch - pass

No tabs in browse, this is a regression since Dextrose 1?
Browse thinks everything is spelt wrong. See #2511

Measure displays garbage on the first start after a reboot on XO-1.5, but
works ok on XO-1.0. See #2509
Measure levels too low on XO-1.5 and much lower than XO-1.0. See #2510

Thanks testers
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