[Testing] Testing summary - Auckland New Zealand, 21 November 2010

Gary Martin garycmartin at googlemail.com
Sat Nov 20 20:39:16 EST 2010

Hi Tabitha (& congrats on the award btw),

On 20 Nov 2010, at 23:00, Tabitha Roder wrote:

> Testing summary - Auckland New Zealand, 21 November 2010
> Who: Fabiana, Mat, Robin, Tabitha, Tom

-- snip -- snip --

> Tested Physics-4. Found could not grab and drag items when you pause time, would like to be able to reposition things on the screen. There is a Physics-5 that does this, can this build include Physics-5.

+1 on including a morecurrent Physics.

However Physics-7 (see on ASLO) is the current release and tested against 0.82, 0.84, and preview 0.90 builds on XO-1 hardware (and some Fedora VMs). Plenty of worthy tweaks and fixes since Physics-4 which is almost a year old now...

- Added support for new toolbar design for Sugar 0.86 (old toolbars still work for Sugar 0.84 and back)
- Objects can now be moved with the Grab tool while the simulation is paused!
- Tool code cleanup and refactoring
- Includes latest translations

- Physics now idles when in the background to free up the cpu and save power.
- Saves thumbnail image of simulation for details view in Journal.
- Better behaviour when attempting to create minimum sized triangles, boxes, and circles (SL#1249).
- Fixed new toolbars expanding separator from overflowing the Stop icons off the XO toolbar
- Fixed the python/gtk/pygame int/float bug affecting F14 based builds (SL#2363).
- Includes latest translations.
- Switch activity.info from using the depreciated class, to exec.
- Source code clean-up.

- Fix for cpu idling events when in background special case for Sugar 0.84.

-- snip -- snip --

> Thanks testers
> Tabitha

Thanks all for your testing efforts!


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