[Testing] Testing summary - Auckland New Zealand, 22 May 2010

Tabitha Roder tabitha at tabitha.net.nz
Fri May 21 23:34:17 EDT 2010

Testing summary - Auckland New Zealand, 22 May 2010

Who: Tab, Tom, Fabiana, John, Vik, Suz, Tamara, Kate

Testing builds 802b6 on XO-1.0 and 125 on XO-1.5

build 802b6 tests on XO-1.0
* Found issues with Record version 64 where the first photo takes a long
time to take the picture and save it. After the first photo it takes other
photos fine. Also takes video fine. Tried restarting XOs to see if the same
issue occurs.

* Also tried out Write version 60 and it started and could write. Could
collaborate (mesh11) and both write fine. Managed to get 4 XO-1.0s using
Write all by joining from the neighbourhood view. Sometimes the update of
content was sluggish. They collaborated for a while but then some quit out
of shared write no warning. Once the original XO is out of the document all
XOs can no longer collaborate on the document even though they can keep
editing their local copy. We are not sure if this is a bug - Should all
contributors still be able to share without the original author? Is this a
technically difficult problem that is just not tackled yet, should it be a
goal to make this possible?   Eventually the two XOs that were still in did
start collaborating again without the original author. We see too many
cursors and it is confusing to the user trying to ascertain which is you.
Created ticket and attached log files.
* Tested Scratch version 12 and could not break it.
* Tested Maze version 6 and found no problems.
* New feature? In the left of the frame we now have what appears to be a
clipboard. When you copy something, an icon appears in the bottom left of
the screen and fades away. In the bottom left of the frame, a history of
your copied items appears. It would be nice to get a preview of those items
(say in the pop-up menu) without having to open them in write or browse or

build 125 on XO-1.5 tests (we only have 2 XO-1.5s so that is all we can test
in collaboration - using local wifi to connect)
* Tested collaboration on local wifi in Write 63 with 2 XO-1.5s. Also tested
Paint 27 - inserted paint image into our shared write activity.
* Tried collaboration in paint 27 - could start from neighbourhood view but
could not see other XOs drawing. Like the rainbow brush effect.
* Tested collaboration in colors 15 - could collaborate but when one XO
pressed clear the other did not get cleared. One XO chooses colour from the
palette and the other XO colour changes too.  Could not put colors file into
the Write activity - maybe we need to find a way to save it as an image?
When changing the name of the activity if you press space bar it opens the
color palette, and it does not share the name across 2 XOs. Zoom works with
menu options, and keyboard shortcuts (arrow up and down). Full screen
works.  Menu names disappear frequently but can bring them back by clicking
on the blank boxes.  Black and white works.  Stop works. Resume from journal
* Tamtam Mini 52 - starts, sound works, tried different keys on keyboard to
test pitch works. Tried all the different instruments and all worked. The
rhythm worked and could change speed and pattern.
* No rotate in any activity still. Not sure if build issue (every build we
have tested?) or hardware issue.
* Tested Speak 16 and found that we could get it to speak to us and could
change the pitch and rate. Tried changing language to Catalan then switched
to robot, found robot switched us to English. robot answered some questions.

* Tested Browse 108 and looked around olpc site. Opened all the olpc
dictionaries from the English menu - could see Arabic glyphs. :-)
* Tested Stopwatch 4 - worked okay. Could start and stop, reset, mark.
* Tested Maze 6 - can use all 3 sets of controllers. Shared activity with
neighbourhood and can collaborate. W00t! We love that this works now! So
with 2 XOs you can have 6 players! Played a few rounds. Cannot see path of
the other XO but can see 3 paths on your own XO. So you can use your own 3
players to mark which path is good or to put the other person off, we love
the extra strategy and tactics that this can lend itself to.
* Tested Memorize 34 - can collaborate with 2 XO-1.5s. Tried a game with
letters, addition and sounds. All worked and could take turns. It calculated
scores correctly. On third game it crashed one XO completely - mouse stopped
working, didnt change persons turn and has kept 2 incorrect cards open.
Other player could keep going. Crashed laptop could not even ctrl alt F1 to
get to a text console. Shutdown both computers and restarted to test again.
Could not get a log file.  Played four games of various types and sizes with
no crash. Every game the first XO in the list got to start every game, so
first XO left activity and rejoined from neighbourhood to go second. Re
entered activity, started a new game and is now second player. Lost sync so
each XO thinks it is the others turn, so could not play anymore. Tried the
other XO exit and re enter activity but could not sync up. Both exited.
Restarted activity and joined again fresh activity. This was successful.

Hooked up with Wellington volunteers on IRC to see how their testing was
going :-)

Thanks testers

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