[Testing] OLPC B-Test1 and B-Test2(battery charging)

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Fri Mar 19 05:28:59 EDT 2010


The hardware engineering process generates several different hardware
revisions; entirely new manufacturing batches.

The sequence in time has been:

XO-1 A-Test,
XO-1 B-Test, (B1, B2, B3, B4)
XO-1 C-Test, (C1, C2, ...)
XO-1 mass production.

XO-1.5 A-Test,
XO-1.5 B-Test, (B2)
XO-1.5 C-Test, (C1, C2, ...)

The Sri Lanka team should have XO-1 mass production units, and XO-1.5
C-Test units, probably C2.  You can read the label in the battery compartment to
identify the revision.

You may find some old information from years ago regarding B2, or
B-Test2 XO-1 units.  This information is not necessarily relevant to
your testing.

James Cameron

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