[Testing] Actions: OLPC QA Call with Sri Lanka's Professional Volunteers

Holt holt at laptop.org
Tue Mar 9 01:56:17 EST 2010

Thanks all for a very productive 1hr phone call -- Actions going forward:

1. Sri Lankan team will clean-install ("reflash") these builds on their 
12 XO laptops:

    3 XO-1's will install:

    3 XO-1's will install:
    (Steven Parrish <smparrish at gmail.com> will fine-tune)

    6 XO-1.5's (2 C1's + 4 C2's) will install os111:

/    Check for the latest build at the above sites, or ask at 
http://forum.laptop.org/chat !

/    USB memory sticks will be necessary but Developer Keys hopefully won't:
2. Sri Lankan teams members should each, on their first day:

    a) subscribe to testing at lists.laptop.org and please introduce 
yourself if possible:
    b) create accounts on http://dev.laptop.org and http://bug.sugarlabs.org
    c) create separate Gmail or Yahoo email accounts if you want to 
protect your privacy above, use a Nickname so you're not shy about 
    d) register at http://wiki.laptop.org and edit a Wiki page like: 
    e) say hello and ask 1 serious question daily over Live Chat (IRC) 
at: http://forum.laptop.org/chat (never hesitate to ask -- freenode's 
#olpc-help is designed for this !)

3. Sri Lankan team members should spend 1 day in their 1st week thinking 
about being a kid (or teacher in a very poor country) playing around with:


4. Sri Lankan team will work with Tabitha/NZ/Aussies to edit/publish 
Test Cases they believe will help Kids & Teachers, of the form:


4. Tabitha will explain How To Write a "TRAC" bug/report on 
http://dev.laptop.org or http://bugs.sugarlabs.org :

    a) XO-type
    b) Build number
    c) status/topology of network:
    Ad Hoc/Mesh/Config/Topology -- lots of network testing possible on 
XO-1 w/o WAP ("create a new wireless network" on XO-1.5)
    BenS observes: wireless testing often not reproducible But That's OK!

5. Ben Schwartz will help Tabitha's written guide / TRAC-filing 
template, providing tips to:

    a) enable logging
    b) collect logfile, attach to "TRAC" ticket at http://dev.laptop.org 
or http://bugs.sugarlabs.org
    c) take a screen shot, annotate it?

6. James Cameron will guide advanced testing around XO-1.5 operating 
system and hardware, at http://dev.laptop.org/report/42 for details of 
tickets waiting for testing, work with developers through the ticket or 
devel at laptop.org mailing list: http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/devel

7. Holt will SHIP 12 USB-to-Ethernet dongles from Boston to Sri Lanka.

*/8. Sri Lankans & New Zealanders will compete reporting their work 
(publish whatever clean pages you feel help, off of 
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Testing or 
    Profusely Thanks to Both!!/*

9. Follow-up call may be 1hr earlier on TUESDAY March 16, to preserve 
Midnight (12:01am) meeting start after US time change.

Background Links/Prior Call:
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