[Testing] Getting more Sugar testing done...

Michael Stone michael at laptop.org
Fri Jun 18 01:24:12 EDT 2010

Hi folks,

Last week, I sent a short note [1] on the subject of how to get more and better
testing of the code that we'll be releasing as sugar-0.90 in just a few short

This still seems like a pressing issue to me. 

Therefore, I will be more direct in asking:

  1. Will sugar-0.90 be better if it gets more and more serious testing between
     now and its release?

  2. Might we get more meaningful testing done if we all agreed to agree, on a
     roughly weekly basis, on *what to test* -- that is, on a "sugar HEAD"?

  3. Might we get more comprehensive test results if "sugar HEAD" were directly
     testable against the real software in use on all platforms of interest? [2]

  4. Would you like to participate in a roughly-weekly social event designed to
     accomplish these goals? (That is, for example, in a weekly Sugar Labs
     "Friends in Testing"-style exploratory testing opportunity?)



[1]: http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2010-June/024656.html
[2]: Platforms that I know people like testing on so far include:

        * jhbuild
        * XO-1's
        * XO-1.5's
        * XO-1.75's?
        * SoaS
        * normal distros
        * distro chroots
        * iPads
        * LTSP?
        * <your platform here>

Did I miss anyone?

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