[Testing] Test Cases Uploaded to WIKI

Chamindra de Silva chamindra at opensource.lk
Mon Jul 12 01:11:30 EDT 2010

Hi All,

It has been a bit of a long process uploading the 800 test cases that
we captured in the WIKI format, however we have got most of them done
now. Thanks to Kirja and Dhanushka for their commitment on this. You
can find the test cases on:


Moving forward however I recommend that we do not use this approach
and rather stick to uploading the spreadsheets or start using a tool
like test link.

Also would like to share the testing quick start docs that we created
to train the next batch of testers, which might be useful for others
as well:


Chamindra de Silva
Director and CTO, Sahana Foundation
Head of Strategic Initiatives, Virtusa
http://chamindra-de-silva.blogspot.com | http://twitter.com/ChamindraS

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