[Testing] Today's/Tonight's QA Phone Call Conclusions & Unofficial Minutes
Simon Schampijer
simon at laptop.org
Mon Feb 22 13:00:28 EST 2010
On 02/18/2010 08:12 AM, Holt wrote:
> * Sri Lanka's great gift of 10 full-time testing people over 1.5 months
> (starting Mch 8?) can help us build back 2008's very inspiring community
> testing drive:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Friends_in_testing
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Test_cases_8.2.0
> Thanks to the Virtusa Corporation donating these 10 employees, and
> proven formal methods we'll integrate alongside, like:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Rational_Unified_Process
> > Build 10.10 latest, 201 to be released soon (explanation development
> builds: 100s - unsigned builds, 200s - signed builds)
> * CORRECTION: os110 is the latest development build; os111, os112 etc
> will likely follow.
> os201 is the latest signed/stable build on the early production XO-1.5
> laptops; os202 may not happen for a little while?
> All XO-1.5 builds are available here:
> http://build.laptop.org/10.2.0
> * Chamindra (Sri Lanka Testing Lead) explains the great streamlining
> power of:
> http://blog.TestLink.org
> Writing test cases and following them are a snap -- once someone
> installs this PHP site?
> * The Sri Lankan team is familiar with open sources methods, but
> Cultural intros structuring/cleaning http://dev.laptop.org/1.5 and
> http://dev.sugarlabs.org will be extremely important.
> * While the XO-1.5's OS/Sugar Activities (and Gnome too) will certainly
> be our core focus, side projects will hopefully also be important too:
> - XO-1 : backporting Fedora 11 for ~1.5 million XO's already out there?
> (Steve Parrish in North Carolina cc'd, please clarify your testing needs!)
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/F11_for_XO-1
> - Similarly Martin Langhoff's possible Release 8.2.2:
> http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/devel/2009-December/thread.html#26750
> http://dev.laptop.org/~martin/8.2.2-betas/
> - Sugar 0.88 (Holt asks Simon Schampijer in Berlin: what
> testing/reporting he wants in March/April?)
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.88/Testing
Hi Adam & QA-Community,
thanks for all your efforts to bring back QA to olpc/sugar!
As you noted the new Sugar release is scheduled for the end of march
[1]. With another month of planned bug fix builds.
We need to do a lot of testing *now* :) A first attempt was the testing
day [2]. We handed out a Sugar on a Stick image that people could use
for testing. This was not menat to work on the XO. One could either put
it on a USB-Stick and boot from another machine or run it in simulation.
To be honest, the outcome of this day was rather 'ok'. I have asked
myself a few questions how we could improve that, and I am happy to get
feedback from the actual people doing testing and QA.
* How does people want to work together? Asynchronously? Synchronosouly
during a meeting? (If) How often should we do meetings? Weekly?
* What days work good for people, working days, weekends?
* Do people only want to test XO-images?
From my perspective as the release manager, I of course can announce
new images, with notes about what has been fixed, and what new features
did land. Would there be people willing to do testing from there? Or do
I have to run meetings etc?
Please just let me know, any ideas, comments welcome. I am just trying
to better understand how we can coordinate the efforts.
[1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.88/Roadmap#Schedule
[2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.88/Testing
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