[Testing] first play with new XO 1.5 machines

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Wed Oct 21 23:18:20 EDT 2009

Tabitha Roder wrote:
> No mesh:
> Just checking this scenario.... I am a teacher and have just been handed 5
> XOs for my students. I am told you can have a child start writing a story
> and then have the other children join in to write together.

Yes.  This is really true, on the XO-1, right now.  On XO-1.5, it will be
different.  If you have 25 laptops instead of 5, it's different.  But for
5 XO-1's, this functionality works "out of the box".

> How does the teacher do this - in less than 100 words and not one word
> technical....

0.  Users open their laptops and just wait.  If they look at the
Neighborhood View (accessible by pressing the circle button with lots of
dots on the keyboard) they should all eventually see each other on the
screen , represented by XO icons.
1. The starting user launches Write.  On the top of the screen, there is a
box labeled "Share With:".  The user selects "My Neighborhood".
2.  Other users see an icon for Write appear in the Neighborhood View, in
the colors of the person who started it.  They click it, and a Write
activity launches.  This is the shared session.
3.  The users are now editing a shared document.  They can all edit
independently (within a single document), and they can all see what each
other are writing.

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