[Testing] [Sugar-devel] FoodForce II Beta Release

Robert Braxton bobraxton at msn.com
Sun May 10 08:40:56 EDT 2009

The website link causes (in Avast!) "a virus has been detected" (abort link).
Robert Braxton

Date: Sat, 9 May 2009 22:07:51 +0530
From: manu at laptop.org
To: andresambrois at gmail.com
CC: sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org; games at lists.laptop.org; vijitthetopcoder at gmail.com; devel at lists.laptop.org; testing at lists.laptop.org
Subject: Re: [Testing] [Sugar-devel] FoodForce II Beta Release


Thank you. We appreciate your kind remarks.

>May I ask what license is it under?

We are working on this aspect with World Food Programme's legal department, and the recommendation has been CPAL. Please have a look at the attached files for your reference. 

We have started an organization namely SEETA (Software for Education, Entertainment and Learning Activities) through which we, a group of engineers (geeks) from N.S.I.T, University of Delhi (www.nsitonline.in), could develop software projects in the field of learning. We deeply believe in the goals and vision of Sugar Labs and OLPC, and whatever projects we have developed uptill now, runs well on Sugar. 

Our website is in bad shape, and is under construction. However, I wish to share the link - http://seeta.in.



On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 8:37 AM, Andrés Ambrois <andresambrois at gmail.com> wrote:

On Friday 08 May 2009 03:24:30 pm Mohit Taneja wrote:

> Hi,


> The Beta version of the FoodForce2 game has been developed for the XO. The

> features that have been incorporated are :


Congratulations! Looks great! I had a chance to see a presentation on this game last October in El Salvador and I was impressed with the work. 

May I ask what license is it under?

> FoodForce2 Team



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