[Testing] plz test Build 802 + Firmware Q2E41 = Candidate Release 8.2.1

NoiseEHC NoiseEHC at freemail.hu
Sat May 2 04:41:53 EDT 2009

> A small amount of testing would be very good, yes.  We don't expect
> any changes to be visible outside of the firmware and battery charging
> (behavior should be better in the presence of batteries with extremely
> low charge), but we should double-check that everything looks normal.
Seems a little strange, I do not remember seeing this before (but it can 
be that I just did not watch other upgrades).
1. Inserted the USB stick, did a 4 button update with the power plugged 
in (and then left the stick inserted into the XO).
2. The machine rebooted without pretty boot (the little man with the 
dots). I could see the linux boot messages with the 1L->X logo on top 
and that is the strange thing. Then it asked for my name (as in first boot).
3. Then I shut down, and started to see if there was pretty boot. It 
restarted immediately after talking about the firmware and then updated 
the firmware. (I have no idea how could it work if the kernel would 
depend on a feature in the new firware.)
4. Then it started with pretty boot and works not (except the wireless 
needs the same canceling and then manual connection as I reported 
hundreds of times....).

Now wireless does not work with my PRE-N Belkin router (WPA) as usual. 
When it connects automatically then it throws up the password dialog and 
no matter what I do it will not connect and shows me the password dialog 
repeatedly. What I have to do is to cancel the dialog and click the AP 
icon when it does not blink. Then it accepts (and remembers) the given 
password. What I did is to look at the suspend/resume process by 
pressing the power button and what I noticed that after a suspend the XO 
looses the connection to the AP and it does the exact same thing as 
after a power up. So after every resume I have to cancel the dialog and 
connect manually.

Another thing is that after extended use the shutdown process halts 
halfway and I have to press Alt+2 to continue. It then shows the 
shutdown graphics and then the XO switches off. (It is also a long 
standing bug.)

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