[Testing] Testing summary - 27 June 2009 - Wellington NZ

Tabitha Roder tabitha at hrdnz.com
Fri Jun 26 21:59:41 EDT 2009

Testing summary - 27 June 2009 Wellington NZ
Who - Tabitha, Tom, Grant, Callum and Brenda

XO request for developer key fail Build is 656. -
file:///home/.devkey.html choose submit query get: secure connection
failed, due to certificate not valid until future date because laptop
thinks it is in the past (1 Dec 1999)
Changing date was quite a struggle. Managed to get date changed and
requested the devkey. Dont forget to hwclock --systohc to save into
the battery hardware clock

Terminal activity - have not been able to find a way to copy and
paste, instructions are in OLPC wiki on activity page but don't work -
possibly due to we on old build.

What XO build - learned about cat /boot/olpc_build and cat /etc/issue

Another XO straight out of box, on charger, does not start. So,
charged over night and still found it does not start. Press on button
and it lights up button (continuous light) but no signs of life from
screen and no sounds. Callum to investigate further.

767 build activity - play time
Cellgame-1 seemed to get things moving around, read the blurb in wiki,
found I suck at this game
XOlympics-1 - crashed about 15 seconds into playing, restarted it.
second time found that we can draw shapes. then we read more on
activity page and worked out how to move triangles and then shapes
disappeared. hey we are learning!

Spent more time looking at different ways of upgrading Sugar on XO
hardware and also how to run Sugar on other hardware in an emulator.

Wrote proposal draft for Mini conf at the Linux Conference to be held
in Wellington, New Zealand, January 2010. Looking for other
contributors/supporters so feel free to put your hand up! :-)


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