[Testing] Notes from an impromptu 8.2.1 Release Mtg.

Michael Stone michael at laptop.org
Thu Jan 22 14:44:18 EST 2009

Hi folks,

Kim Quirk kindly stopped by #olpc-meeting this evening and precipitated an
impromptu discussion between herself, me, cjb, edmcnierney, mchua, and
garycmartin on how to push 8.2.1 a few inches closer to release.

The main conclusion that we reached after we updated


was that staging-9 [1] needs some testing! In particular, it's got long-awaited
new wireless firmware and wifi kernel drivers which means that we need to know
whether it still associates with your crazy encrypted access points. :)

At any rate, the bottom line is that YOU can personally help >100k kids in
Uruguay get access to 8.2.* faster by helping to test this build. (Guadalupe
and Emiliano in Uruguay have already helped to test fixes for some of the
issues they found in 8.2.0 but more (your!) testing help is still needed!)
So, on that note, thanks very much in advance for any help that you can provide.

Voluntarily yours,


P.S. - Bryan -- would you please update FiT with instructions for staging-9

P.P.S. - I'd like to host a test party at 1cc sometime in the next two weeks to
try to do some large-scale collaboration and wifi testing such as was requested
by dsd [2] in preparation for his trip to Paraguay tomorrow [3]. Would
interested people who might be in Boston in the next two weeks please mail me
to let me know good days and times for them to come help test?

P.P.P.S. - The major coding work left before we can wrap up 8.2.1 is currently
resting on Mitch Bradley's capable shoulders [4]. I'm looking forward to
receiving a new OFW snapshot from him for testing in the not-too-distant

[1]: (http://xs-dev.laptop.org/~cscott/xo-1/streams/staging/build9/devel_jffs2)
[2]: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Profiles/DanielDrake
      -- dsd, update you profile!
[3]: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Deployment_meetings/20090120#Summary
[4]: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Profiles/wmb

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