[Testing] Latest Build of SocialCalc

Preeti KS kspreeti.13 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 03:41:31 EST 2009


I got the latest build in .xo file. I will implement the toolbar on
this. Thanks for all the help!

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 3:35 AM, Dan Bricklin <danb at bricklin.com> wrote:

> I just posted a new release for the XO that fixes the issue with reloading.
> (It was when the saved page had a font setting.) I also have an RSS feed and
> companion HTML page for listing bugs, fixes, etc.
> The latest stuff is on: http://www.peapodcast.com/sgi/olpc/
> Preeti - if you need the new code, you can get it from the .xo file, or
> contact me.
> -DanB
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