[Testing] Please help test our pre-release build of 8.2.1

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Sun Jan 4 14:26:16 EST 2009

On 2 Jan 2009, at 16:09, Brian Pepple wrote:

> Hi All,
> A pre-release build of 8.2.1 is now available for testing. It has  
> passed
> an initial smoke test and now needs broader testing.
> The build download and problem reporting instructions are here:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Friends_in_testing#Current_status
> The very early draft release notes are here:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Release_Notes/8.2.1
> Please send a note to the list if you try this build even if you don't
> find anything interesting. We want to measure our test capacity.
> Thanks,
> /B
> -- 
> Brian Pepple <bpepple at fedoraproject.org>

Here's my Activity specific testing run through of all the activities  
as currently installed by Activities/G1G1, a quick plea to Activity  
developers out there to update their links if they know a newer  
release works and should go with 8.2.1 (I've lots of other, much  
newer, versions that seem to work fine but have not made the auto  
update wiki page yet).

Tested on a clean (nand-copy) of a fresh 8.2.1 staging-7 on an XO-1,  
then a software update from the control panel (via a WEP access point).

No bugs filed or authors not directly pinged yet  for any of the below.

View with a fixed width font for the below columns to align...

build 8.2.1-7     Could start
. = success       | Could stop (all must work ctrl-q, alt-esc,  
toolbar, frame)
- = N/A           | | Sound
x = fail          | | | Journal entry
? = unknown       | | | | Useful journal resume state
* = see note      | | | | | Frame palette title matches resumed title
                   | | | | | | License entry in activity.info
                   | | | | | | | Using bundle_id in activity.info
                   | | | | | | | | Frame picks-up live title changes
                   | | | | | | | | |
         Analyze-8 . . - . x x . x x
         Browse-98 . . . . . . . x x Browse-101 needed for 8.2.1 PDF  
      Calculate-25 . * - . . . . . x Ctrl-q fails to stop.
           Chat-48 . . - . . . . . x Joining shared activity does not  
                                     correct title.
       Distance-14 . . . . x . . x x
          Etoys-94 . * . * . x . x x Ctrl-q fails to stop.
                                     Stop no longer auto-keeps to  
journal - you
                                     need to manually keep a project  
first, or
                                     you loose changes made and see no  
           Help-10 . . - . x . . x x
         Implode-5 . . - . . . . x x
            Log-16 . . - . x x . x x
            Maze-6 . . - . x x . . * Can't edit activity title.
        Measure-21 . * - . x . . x x Always keep error all changes  
will be lost!
       Memorize-28 . . . . * . . x x No game resume, but you can save  
                                     memorize tile sets to the journal.
            Moon-8 . . - . . x . . x
          Paint-23 . . - . . . . x x
          Pippy-30 . . . . . . . . x
           Read-52 . . - . * . . x x Page meta-data lost after restart.
                                     Large pdfs will lock-up Sugar UI.
         Record-59 . . . . . . . x x UI response seems to have slowed  
but works.
           Ruler-3 . . - . x . . x x
        Scratch-12 . * . x x x * x x Alt-esc fails to stop, frame  
fails to stop.
                                     Nonstandard license string to a URL
           Speak-9 . . . . . . . . x Resuming starts speaking  
greetings before
                                     activity UI is revealed.
     TamTamEdit-50 . . . . . . . . x Lost all sound here once and  
needed to reboot.
      TamTamJam-51 . . . . . x . . x
     TamTamMini-49 . . . . x x . . x
TamTamSynthLab-51 . . . . . x . . x
       Terminal-18 . . - . x x . x x
      TurtleArt-10 . . - . . . . x x
     WikipediaEN-4 . . - . * . . x x Very slow following links 30sec+!!
                                     Rainbow warning dialogue on  
resume (but
                                     did resume page), or after first  
          Write-60 . . - . . . . x x


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