[Testing] Can someone else run the testing meeting this week?

Mel Chua mel at melchua.com
Wed Feb 11 15:26:16 EST 2009


I'm out sick this week - "shouldn't be on the internet" sick - and will 
probably still be in that state tomorrow. However, given the 8.2.1 release 
http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/devel/2009-February/023194.html, it's 
probably a good idea to have one so that people can report results / ask 
questions / etc.

It would probably work to have cjb / other developer who can field 
questions and phrase tasks to be hanging out on #olpc-meeting during that 
time, and call at the start and end of the hour for testing 8.2.1 

Thanks, folks... sorry to miss you this week!


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