[Testing] malformed OurMusic bundle

Mikus Grinbergs mikus at bga.com
Tue Dec 29 23:13:17 EST 2009

> If someone could help me with what causes the "malformed bundle" for my OurMusic.activity, I'd appreciate it.

Two things I noticed:

 *  The permissions on the OurMusic.activity/activity subdirectory do
not allow anyone except the "installer" to access that subdirectory.
Since (in my case) I installed under 'root', later on Sugar was unable
to lauch that activity (giving a message like "no activity.info file
found").  That subdirectory needs 'chmod +rx'.

The other is a personal dislike.  Various files in this bundle have
Windows line-endings.  I'm running Linux on my XO (that's a Fedora-based
build), and have the 'python-psyco' accelerator installed.  In the past,
I've seen my system's python execution fail when the python files in an
Activity did not have Linux line-endings.


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