[Testing] New F11 for the XO-1 build 5

Steven M. Parrish smparrish at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 19:35:06 EDT 2009


Added Typing Turtle & Words activities, added to favorites as well. Added ntp, 
ntpdate to base OS.

Create custom .asoundrc file for TamTam

here are the file differences since os4




























All normal warnings apply.  This is development code.  Please report any 
issues you may have.


Steven M. Parrish
gpg fingerprint: 4B6C 8357 059E B7ED 8095 0FD6 1F4B EDA0 A9A6 13C0
irc.freenode.net: SMParrish @ #fedora-kde, #fedora-devel, #fedora-olpc, #sugar

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