[Testing] Closing Test in Release and QA Sign off bugs

Mel Chua mel at laptop.org
Fri Sep 26 16:59:07 EDT 2008

Slight change: after talking with Frances on IRC, it makes more sense 
for me to do testing wiki cleanup work now, then come in after dinner 
and flash XOs with $LatestReleaseCandidate then. Michael, Ed - I'll use 
765 unless:

* I see an announcement to techteam/devel that 766+ is out, or
* You tell me otherwise

(Good luck getting 766+ out!)

Joe, let me know if there is anything I should do/not-do/avoid/etc in 
order to prevent from getting in the way of your tests. I won't be 
touching any of your 3 testbeds (bookshelf by Adam's office, table by 
Wad's office, table behind Paul's desk) for this - I'm using the 20 Kim 
and Richard gave me, and I'll be very clear to the volunteers who come 
in that your testbeds are Not For Touching (we'll be in a non-garden 
room in any case) so I don't think there'll be a problem. Please ping me 
on IRC or email if there's anything specific we need to talk about.

Everyone - I'll be on IRC (Freenode, #olpc, mchua) all evening except 
for when I'm on public transit or consuming food, at which point I can 
be reached with my cell phone at 847.970.8484.


Joseph A. Feinstein wrote:
> Mel,
> Please check with me FIRST - I'm in the office.
> Thanks,
> Joe
> -----------
> At 04:04 PM 9/26/2008, Mel Chua wrote:
>> Oh. Maybe I shouldn't flash all the XOs with 765 tonight, then... I'm 
>> en route to the office now, and will check in with Ed and Michael 
>> first, but unless I hear otherwise from someone I'll install the 
>> latest candidate that's out when my train gets to Kendall.
>> PS: Any objections to me lining the edge of the Patmos with testing 
>> XOs for Saturday and Sunday? There's not much choice for space to do 
>> this in.
>> Kimberley Quirk wrote:
>>> The only issue I see is that 765 is probably not the final release 
>>> and we are going to need to 'cram' test the final release more than 
>>> spending a lot of time with 765.
>>> Copying Ed and Michael on this as well as they will help figure out 
>>> what release is our final one and they need to know that you (and 
>>> others) are geared up to test... we just need to know what to test!
>>> Thanks, Mel,
>>> Kim
>>> On Sep 26, 2008, at 3:28 PM, Mel Chua wrote:
>>>> (Joe, please feel free to trump me on this - I'll keep plugging on 
>>>> this unless somebody tells me otherwise.)
>>>> Greg, by Monday at 11 I can get you and the testing list a 
>>>> breakdown of the bugs in report 28 sorted by the following:
>>>> 1) Verified as closed - celebrate!
>>>> 2) Verified as not-closed (reopened), add to release notes
>>>> 3) We have no idea (probably treat the same as #2) - I hope this 
>>>> list will be empty.
>>>> Plan for producing that email: (please revise/suggest as needed, 
>>>> partial strawman)
>>>> * I've been writing test cases and procedures in the last few days 
>>>> for everything in report 33; I'll expand that to include the 
>>>> tickets in 28, which is a superset of 33.
>>>> * You'll see me back at 1cc this afternoon installing 765 on the 20 
>>>> XOs we got from Richard. I'm going to use those as the in-1cc 8.2.0 
>>>> blockers test pool since our other testbeds are being used for 
>>>> connectivity tests (I think- Joe?) that require all 30 XOs running 
>>>> full-tilt on that.
>>>> * This weekend: running tests. And running tests. And running 
>>>> tests. And - this is why I've spent so long on how-to-test 
>>>> tutorials and test cases - getting the visiting volunteers 
>>>> (+whoever I can pull in over IRC) on Saturday (MassXO comes in Sat. 
>>>> morning) and Sunday (support-gang) to run tests. I've been trying 
>>>> to build our capacity to run a lot of tests in parallel, and the 
>>>> bottleneck (imo) was people with XOs who were able to, with the 
>>>> given instructions, run all these tests. I hope I've fixed the 
>>>> "with the given instructions" part. You'll see this when I revise 
>>>> the [[Testing]] page later tonight.
>>>> * Monday morning: Sit down and write up those 3 lists for Greg.
>>>> How does this sound?
>>>> -Mel
>>>> Greg Smith wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mel, Joe and team,
>>>>> I am writing the 8.2 release notes and I see a number of bugs 
>>>>> which are marked Test In Release, Test in Build or QA Signoff.
>>>>> If they really are fixed then I don't need to document them. 
>>>>> However, if they fail final test then I should document them.
>>>>> I believe the relevant list is at:
>>>>> http://dev.laptop.org/report/28
>>>>> Can you give me an ETA when you think you can have all of those 
>>>>> verified or sent back for more work?
>>>>> For now I will assume that they are fixed and I will not document 
>>>>> them. If you find one that is not fixed, please cc me on the bug 
>>>>> or let me know and I will add it to the release notes later.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Greg S

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