[Testing] [sugar] Testing Update.1-702

Michael Stone michael at laptop.org
Thu Mar 27 23:43:07 EDT 2008

> Could we possibly get a signed 704 out the door tomorrow for testing
> in Peru and Mexico?

We'll do what we can. What changes do you want to see in 704?

(After reviewing Jim's bug list, I just discovered

#6185  STK   jg/sayamindu   (translate devkey request page) [5 weeks]

which might be worth fixing.)

Other interesting discoveries:

#6750  DBG   cjb      (incorrect wireless setting after resume)
#6758  DBG   erikb    (after upgrade, Record fails saying "Journal is full")
#6767  PKG   mstone   (Installation of library content on update.1-702)

Finally, what needs to be done in order to release a signed version of
Q2D14? (I've got the signed version; I'm just not sure what the
procedure for releasing it is.)



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