[Testing] [sugar] Automated testing, OLPC, code+screencasts.

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Wed Mar 26 23:22:48 EDT 2008

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Titus Brown wrote:
| Over the next few months, hopefully aided by Zach Riggle and Grig
| Gheorghiu through the GSoC, I hope we can implement some sort of GUI
| testing framework, continuous build system, and basic fixtures for some
| internal functional tests.  After that I might be in a better position
| to address your specific points.

I look forward to the results.

Several of the OLPC engineers are also Haskell aficionados, and were
recently lamenting the lack of anything resembling QuickCheck for Python.
~ Perhaps you will show us a solution.

~From my observations, I have concluded that most of the recent bugs that
have caused irritation at OLPC have the following property. Two computers,
interacting over the network, pass through a series of states.  Each
computer's series of states does not imply an error.  However, the two
computers' histories are inconsistent, and taken together imply that there
has been an error somewhere.  The error usually has the form of
information that has failed to transfer completely.  For example, under
certain network conditions, I have seen invitations sporadically fail to
arrive.  No one knows why.

I hope you and your students will be able to construct a system that is
appropriate for these sorts of bugs.

- --Ben
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