[Testing] Please help test our new 8.2.0 Alpha release candidate, 8.2-757!

Michael Stone michael at laptop.org
Wed Aug 27 22:07:38 EDT 2008

We are thrilled to announce our zeroth (Alpha) 8.2 release candidate,
8.2-757, valid until Wednesday, September 3.

Please help test it according to the detailed instructions at


while we still have time to fix issues you might find!

Next, since we'd love to start generating per-activity release notes
this week, please help us determine:

   "Are there any caveats about running Activity ____ (perhaps alongside
   or Activities ____ and ____ or in Language ____) that everyone should

Currently known issues are recorded at: 


New issues should be filed in our bug-tracking system (dev.laptop.org)
according to 


or by notifying us by other means.


P.S. - Our systematic testing effort is slightly closer to "ready for
primetime" and is now described by a summary page at 


which links to everything important. In short, if you're feeling
especially brave this weekend, improving this page with a full-blown
walk-through would be a great way to chip in.

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