[Testing] Status of Power-Saving

Seth Woodworth seth at laptop.org
Tue Aug 26 16:06:19 EDT 2008

Is there any chance that we can get a decently accurate status of power
management as of 8.2.0 some time after the next release?  I have very little
idea of what has changed in the world of power-management and when we are
likely to reach any given benchmark, or indeed what our goals/benchmarks

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raúl Gutiérrez S. <rgs at rieder.net.py>
Date: Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 12:43 PM
Subject: Status of Power-Saving
To: seth at laptop.org


As I mentioned at IRC, I wanted to check the advances (and whats left to
be done) in regards of all the power saving features that were planned
for the XO (i.e.: sending diferent parts of the laptop, with independent
energy consumption, to sleep when certain type of inactivities were


  Raúl Gutiérrez S.
  +595 981 231 839
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