[Testing] Journal and Tubes Minutes from 9/18/07

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpg at redhat.com
Wed Sep 19 05:48:03 EDT 2007

Kim Quirk wrote:
>     * Some of the changes that were added recently to the journal
>       caused some unstability. At this point we need to know what else
>       is needed to feel good about the journal in terms of tracking
>       activities, resuming, basic search, working with a USB stick,
>       and installing bundled files from USB and from browse (XO and
>       XOL). Marco and Ben will try to provide an update later today or
>       tomorrow on recommended fixes to get to stability.

I started to look into the journal issues only yesterday, what I found 
so far are just several small bugs which are easy to fix but requires 
some time to track them down. I'm confident we can get to a good 
stability pretty quickly but we need more focus an more testing.

* I need to focus on bug fixing and having to think about new problems 
makes me a lot less effective at it. To help this a bit can we have Ben 
working with cscott an wad about a solution to human readable files? I 
will do the USB bit we discussed today but the backups problem is larger 
and more complex. I don't expect to need a lot of help from Ben with the 
stabilization work.

* We need a lot more testing on the journal than what we did so far. I 
and Simon will be doing some of it but it would be really useful to have 
someone from the testing team to focus on it too. Maybe AlexL can help 
us out? The less time we spend testing the more we have to actually fix 


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