[Testing] Test Meeting minutes from 6/25/07

Kim Quirk kim.quirk at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 11:29:30 EDT 2007

Meeting minutes, 6/25/07

Attending: Zack Cerza, Cameron Meadors, Chris Blizzard, Dan Williams, John
Fuhrer, Kim Quirk

A brief summary of the upcoming milestone, Trial-2:

   - Feature Freeze is Tues, 6/26. Realistically we don't expect a stable
   build for a couple of days. There is new FC7, X server, kernel, and
   activities. Things will be confused for a while.
   - I will send out an email to the testing list when there is a build
   that can install with at least minimal functionality.

   - We discussed automation briefly. We are expecting that Tinderbox
   will come back online soon. If there are other areas where people think of
   to add automation, please bring them up.

Test Plan reviews:
We reviewed a number of test plans, which can be found on the wiki, in the
'test issues' section, under User Stories Testing:

   - There was some question as to whether the Paint test case referred
   to the 'Draw Activity'. This activity description doesn't resemble the Paint
   activity that was implemented, so we should remove the link to this wiki
   - We discussed a rule of thumb that one test case should probably be
   <5 minutes to execute and generally on a few steps -- mainly so the tester
   doesn't get interrupted and can complete a test case.
   - Kim will send out notes to the etoys and tamtam people to ask them
   to submit the 5 or 6 things that we can do as basic functional testing. For
   activities that have community support, we will not do very exhaustive
   testing. For activities that don't get much use in the field, we will do
   more testing, based on a user's typical experience.
   - Everyone will ensure that a Journal view test case is included for
   all activities. Anything that can store a file or user settings should get a
   placeholder in the journal.
   - The SD card test plan was created because there were some issues
   with SD card drivers. This is not really a user story test, but it needs to
   be done at some point. Perhaps it should be moved out of this section.
   - There is still some questions as to how Chat is going to work.
   Perhaps we can find out more at the noon meeting today on collaboration and

People from Marvell are reviewing the 100 Laptop test that we are going to
try to set up here in Cambridge. Please send comments / ideas to the testing
mail list:


(still trying to figure out what CAN be done in a limited time and space)
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