[Testing] Test plan comments and a 100 laptop plan

Kim Quirk kim.quirk at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 17:48:41 EDT 2007

Test group,

I just put up a test plan for the 100 Laptop test. If you get a chance to
review it:

It is linked from the 'User Stories Tests',  'Tests - Connectivity and
Collaboration' link. I'm not sure yet what other activity we want to do with
100 laptops, so please send your comments. Also this should be different
from the 60 laptop test that Marvell is doing in India. That test is also
linked from the test issues page:

Here are some of my thoughts on the plans that have been submitted so far:

*Camera Activity TP- This one is a good representation of the template we
are trying to use. It is relatively small plan since there are not many UI
features. Every test plan should include a section on finding and resuming
the activity from the journal (which this has); and as we learn more about
it, every test plan should include a section on how to share or collaborate
this activity with another XO or multiple XOs. Zack, maybe you can add a
placeholder for the collaboration piece.

On the Journal piece, it might be important to close the activity before
switching to the Journal and resuming.

*Paint Activity TP- This test plan is on the opposite spectrum from the UI
perspective. There are too many things that you can do in the UI. John and I
looked at this together and found some ideas for consolidating a few UI
steps into one. Since most of these activities are in the open source
community, sometimes we can depend on the community to do most of the
testing. I don't believe this one has much community involvement AND it is a
core feature for us, so we probably have to do this much testing.

I'd like to hear other thoughts on when/where/how to limit our testing on
Activities with lots of UI. Good examples coming up are TamTam and eToys --
those UI features go on forever...

John, I think you can add a placeholder for collaboration in Paint; Same as
with the other activities, you should probably close the activity and then
reopen it through the journal. In the Trial-2 code the activities will be
changing in regards to how files are stored. So that section will change
quite a bit.

*Browse Activity TP - I think this one can use a test to close the browser,
go to the journal and resume from the bookmark and/or resume from the browse
item in the journal. Where do we expect it to go if you resume from the
browse as opposed to the bookmark?

Also, I think there will be some more interesting sharing possiblities, but
I don't know how that works yet. Do you just share a url when you turn
collaboration on? (maybe a placeholder for collaboration).

Thanks everyone! This is starting to come together.


On 6/20/07, Fuhrer, John <John_Fuhrer at brown.edu> wrote:
> I'm in the process of writing a test plan for Write, it should be up by
> tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know so no one else wastes any time on it.
> - John
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