Hi, I had some problemns when building libmatchbox and Tomeu helped me. So I will post his solutions here (please, note that some solutions are specific to my locale). My OS is Ubuntu Feisty 32 bit.<br><br>The first error I got:
<a href="http://pastebin.be/3911">http://pastebin.be/3911</a><br>Solution: <br>- go to sugar-jhbuild/sources/libmatchbox/tests and type the comand:<br># gcc -g -O2 -o .libs/dump-image dump-image.o -L/home/barbolo/sugar/sugar-jhbuild/source/libmatchbox-
1.8/libmb /home/barbolo/sugar/sugar-jhbuild/source/libmatchbox-1.8/libmb/.libs/libmb.so -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/home/barbolo/sugar/sugar-jhbuild/build/lib -lpng12<br><br>Second error: <a href="http://pastebin.be/3912">http://pastebin.be/3912
</a><br>Solution: Edit line 223 in the Makefile (sources/libmatchbox/tests/Makefile). Put in the end: -lpng12<br>The line should be: AM_CPPFLAGS = -I../libmb -g -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng12 -lpng12
<br><br>Third Error: <a href="http://pastebin.be/3913">http://pastebin.be/3913</a><br>Solution: Edit line 285 in the Makefile (sources/libmatchbox/tests/Makefile). Put in the end: -lpng12<br>The line should be: $(LINK) $(dump_image_LDFLAGS) $(dump_image_OBJECTS) $(dump_image_LDADD) $(LIBS) -lpng12
<br><br>Now, when running make in source/libmatchbox directory, there's no errors anymore.<br><br>Note that when running ./sugar-jhbuild it will drop all theses changes and accuse errors again with libmatchbox, because it creates a new Makefile for libmatchbox.
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Rafael Barbolo Lopes