[sugar] Examples of FOSS assistive technologies already deployed in the field

Fernando my.lists at f123.org
Thu Sep 25 14:30:59 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,

I have been asked to contribute to a publication of the International
Telecommunications Union on the topic of low and no-cost assistive
technologies, so I am writing to everyone I know in this field asking for
examples of local, state, or national governments using FOSS assistive

This is a remarkable opportunity to give examples to policymakers, so I
don't want to miss any cases.  Would you have any examples you could share
with me?  I know this group has special interest in TTS, but any examples of
schools using FOSS with students with disabilities would be interesting
regardless of the disability.

Thank you,

Fernando H. F. Botelho
+1 (203) 672-1334

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