[sugar] Which to translate: Gulcose82 or Gulcose

Korakurider korakurider at gmail.com
Sat Sep 20 22:58:42 EDT 2008


I am still confused where we maintain translations for Gulcose
activities, Gulcose82 branch or Gulcose trunk.
It seems confusing to activity developers also;  most activities are
maintained and released on branch,
 but I see some on trunk.

Some development work have started for 9.2 (Sugar 0.84), but 8.2
(Sugar 0.82) is being in last stretch
so I have been putting effort to only Gulcose82 these days.  Am I wrong?
(Maybe we made the branch too early :-)

We will have to maintain both work stream simultanaously , so
agreement between activitiy developers
and translation community about which and how to use the stream is
important IMHO.


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