[sugar] G1G1v2 Activities

Joel Stanley joel.stanley at adelaide.edu.au
Sat Sep 20 02:50:34 EDT 2008

Albert Cahalan <acahalan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Though the xo-get activity appears to be broken, the command line xo-get
> tool is the easiest way to install activities. Be sure to include it.

Have you used a build that includes both the Sugar control panel and
the sugar-update-control?  It makes installing (and updating)
activities easier than it's ever been in my experience.  One
disclaimer; I havn't used xo-get.

On what activities to include; it's important to show off the core
functionality - Browse, Write, Record - and have some trouble shooting
capability.  Beyond that, a well thought out list of activities to
appear in the s-u-c feed that G1G1ers see will make the list of
pre-installed activities less important, assuming they're told to fire
up the control panel while online to find them.  Help may come in


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