[sugar] Memory leaks summary

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpgritti at gmail.com
Sat Sep 13 09:33:39 EDT 2008

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 3:31 AM, Marco Pesenti Gritti
<mpgritti at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> here is a summary of what we know so far about the memory leaks
> related to network activity (buddies joining/leaving).

Here is update on these issues:

> 1 We was leaking the palette that we create for each buddy. Tomeu
> fixed it, should be in the next stable build.

In 8.2-760.

> 2 We are still leaking the palette icons. It should not be too hard to
> track that down. Failing that we can make the palette lazy to work
> around the problem for 8.2.0. It's something we should be doing anyway
> to save memory and cpu.

It was a reference cycle which for for some reason the gc is not able
to free (it happens in several cases with pygtk objects :/). Fix is in
git, will go in joyride soon.

> 3 If I disable the palette completely I still get some leaking. I'm
> using a script that continuously create and destroy 10  buddies. Here
> is typical relative memory consumption reported by guppy (running it
> in a loop of 5 seconds). Note that I completely disabled the sugar
> shell model and view before taking this data.

It turns out to be a dbus-python leak. I wrote a patch and pushed it
to joyride for testing. I'm not very comfortable about it though, I
know very little about dbus-python. I hope the upstream maintainer
will get to review it. Otherwise we will have to decide if we take the
risk or if we prefer to keep the leak...


Reviews of the patch by anyone are welcome.

> 4) The grid layout is leaking objects when collision solving fails
> (i.e. you have a very full mesh view). We are probably not hitting
> this case in testing, but still should be fixed.

Fixed in git, will go in joyride soon.


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