[sugar] reading from pendrive

Gabriel Eirea geirea at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 15:00:43 EDT 2008

Hi list,

During our last Ceibal Jam we got some feedback from teachers. One
common request is related to transferring files from a pendrive to the
XO. In the journal, the flat view is very uncomfortable and in cases
with thousands of files it is difficult to locate the desired file.

I wrote a proof-of-concept pendrive explorer that lets the user select
a file using a traditional file navigator and copy it to the
clipboard. It is very simple and has not been exhaustively tested, but
it gets the job done and the initial user feedback is positive. It
uses gtk.filechooserwidget and the code snippet from the journal that
copies the uri to the clipboard.

You can find it in


I would appreciate your comments.

Thank you,


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