[sugar] Attention! Activity authors: spanish title translations

Erik Garrison erik at laptop.org
Wed Sep 3 21:44:38 EDT 2008

Activity authors,  (on devel AND sugar)

The following activities (which can be downloaded from
http://dev.laptop.org/~erik/activities/Activities_Modif_703-7/) were
modified by myself, Wad, and the Peru support team in the process of
producing the most recent Peru build

[   ] Analyze-6.xo            25-Aug-2008 12:27   23K  
[   ] Chat-35b.xo             21-Aug-2008 11:54   92K  
[   ] ClockActivity-4.xo      25-Aug-2008 09:34  8.1K  
[   ] Connect-22.xo           25-Aug-2008 12:32  108K  
[   ] Geography-8.xo          25-Aug-2008 09:37  2.7M  
[   ] Implode-3.xo            25-Aug-2008 12:35   28K  
[   ] JigsawPuzzle-4.xo       25-Aug-2008 12:40  235K  
[   ] Log-7.xo                25-Aug-2008 12:42   12K  
[   ] Maze-6.xo               25-Aug-2008 12:47   68K  
[   ] Memorize-27.xo          25-Aug-2008 09:38  741K  
[   ] Moon-4.xo               25-Aug-2008 09:38   79K  
[   ] Read-45.xo              21-Aug-2008 11:54  101K  
[   ] Speak-8.xo              25-Aug-2008 09:38   32K  
[   ] StarChart-4.xo          25-Aug-2008 12:52   46K  
[   ] StopWatchActivity-2.xo  25-Aug-2008 17:20   12K  
[   ] TamTamEdit-48.xo        25-Aug-2008 12:53  7.4M  
[   ] TextosCicloIV-V-14.xol  21-Aug-2008 11:55  2.8M  
[   ] Watch & Listen-10.xo    21-Aug-2008 11:55  6.3M  
[   ] Words-3.xo              25-Aug-2008 09:38  210K  
[   ] chess_computer-8.xo     25-Aug-2008 09:39  1.6M  
[   ] manual-2.xol            21-Aug-2008 11:58   12M  
[   ] poesia-a-5.xol          21-Aug-2008 11:58  6.3M  
[   ] scalesboard-8.xo        27-Aug-2008 11:20  1.7M  
[   ] tangram-8.xo            25-Aug-2008 12:55  1.6M  

In all cases locale/es/activity.linfo files were added to translate the
activity name that appears in the home view.  In all cases the
activity/activity.info version number was bumped, and in cases where the
activity bundle filename didn't match convention, that number was added
to the activity bundle name.


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