[sugar] Sugar API documentation

David Farning dfarning at sugarlabs.org
Tue Sep 2 16:16:14 EDT 2008

After some discussions with Janet Swisher last week I thought it was
time to take another stab at API documentation for sugar.

Several months ago I started experimenting with several tools to
generate API documentation from the source code.

After several misguided efforts, I settled on the following work flow to
build the docs:

1. Build sugar via sugar jhbuild.
2. run epydoc against the install direrectoy built by jhbuild.
3. Upload the contents of apidocs/*  to api.sugarlabs.org .
4. Repeat.

The work flow to contribute to the documentation is as follows:
1.  Pull git tree.
2.  Add documentation.
3.  Submit patch to SL.

What should/can we do to improve this workflow?  Cause right now no work
is flowing;(

Another possibility is to use pydocweb.  You can see an example at
http://sd-2116.dedibox.fr/pydocweb/wiki/Front%20Page/ .

Janet, could you point us to a good style guide?  There seem to be as
many way to document python as there are open source projects.


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