[sugar] alt-tabbing to the Journal

Mikus Grinbergs mikus at bga.com
Tue Oct 7 23:35:10 EDT 2008

>> 2) the Journal always appearing below the XO icon
> If only. But only at first boot. The icon below the XO icon is always
> whatever activity currently selected in the Activity View.

Except for a bug (which I've ticketed) - the icon of an Activity 
which failed to launch still persists below the XO icon.

There is a vocal group which wants the Activity view, and the icon 
below the XO, to always refer to an "Activity".  Journal should show 
up below the XO only when there is no Activity capable of being 

> I'd love the same passion developed to some of the issues/topics that
> impact the learning.

Many in the software world do not have first-hand experience of the 
what/how of "impact the learning".  For passion on that topic, 
please go talk to teachers.

Unfortunately, some of the USA teachers I've talked to, coming from 
decades of experience with the teaching environment in which they 
work, feel that a tool like Sugar would  not  advance the criteria 
now being used to measure teacher and pupil performance.


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