[sugar] Email support out of the box? [WAS: Howdy]

James F. Carroll jcarroll at byu.net
Tue May 27 08:33:28 EDT 2008

I have much to say about my first five hours with Sugar.  However, I want to
highlight just one item at this time:

   - Does sugar come with an email client?
   - If so, I don't see it.
   - If not, why?
   - I acknowledge that the browser is sufficient to use Gmail, but I
   expected to see a "core" activity that enables simple email communication


P.S. I see a "newsreader" activity in the repository, but it's not
authenticated, so I haven't installed it.  I would love to try it.

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Tomeu Vizoso <tomeu at tomeuvizoso.net> wrote:

> For these "major stoppers", just sending an email here may be enough.
> We don't have much more time for the August release, so focusing on
> the biggest missing pieces and bugs might be wise.
> Thanks,
> Tomeu
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